Sunday 2 March 2014

Simulation work out and poster making

1st Mar

This is the design for the crossroad. Zhang wenlong worked out this design after discussed with Simon.
Zhangwenlong and Zhongkegong worked out the code.

Zhangwenlong and Zhongkegong worked out the code. The code is not easy to work out. They tried a lot of times to work out the code.

They made the design become the real simulation.

And the code can simulate the crossroad with 10 directions and the 3 traffic lights.

This simulation is similar with the result which we want. And we combined the data to the simulation.

Jinyiwei and Ligengguo worked out the poster and combined the data to the system.

Jinyiwei and Ligengguo cleared up the data and searched the pictures from the internet to do the poster’s background. People can easily get the main information from the poster.

Last tutorial

28th Feb
This is the final time to meet Simon. In this meeting, we showed the simulation to Simon and discussed how to improve the simulation. Simon taught us how to design the crossroads in movsim
And we talked about the scoot system.  Simon told us how to combine the system to the simulation in the future study.
After this meeting, we are going to work out the design to improve the simulation. Zhong kegong and Zhang wenlong are going to work on the code. Jin yiwei and Li gengguo are going to work out the poster and made the system better.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Fourth tutorial

This Wednesday, we met Simon in his office. First, he taught us how to work the Movsim with the instructions. Then we discussed about the software we will work out and Simon gave an example code to show us how to connect the examples code in the Movsim. He advice us write our own code for junction simulation.

Wenlong and Kegong will focus on the code in this week. They try to use C++ or Mat-lab to build up the model of junctions. Additionally, the rest two member is going to summary the Scoot system and apply the Scoot idea in our own project. By the way, Simon lent us a book named Traffic Flow Dynamics, which helped a lot on mathematical modeling. 

The last blog, we mention the results of data collection. And the good news is yiwei have present it on a prize, including all the junctions on map and the figure of traffic flows, time gap and corresponding ratio of travel conditions.

 In further analysis, the speed-density of target road will be present, Genguo and Yiwei will try to match the traffic model to the current data about speed,density and Saturation flow, which is not present yet.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Traffic data collection

16th Feb, 2014

Gengguo and I planed to collect traffic data yesterday. However, it shucked by a heavy rain. And today, we walking alone the Brownlow hill street and recorded data for three cross-street.

The target simulation street is Brownlow hill street. We begin with one of the starting point, which is perpendicular with lime street. The information related to traffic light time gap, traffic flow and ratio of bus was recorded. By the way, all the information is recorded on Sunday afternoon and the traffic flow of branch road were also included. Moreover, each set of data is count for twenty minutes, which was not accurate or reliable enough but could achieve on the simulation first. 

In future research, more relevant data will be collected, especially on the weekday rush time. The results and analysis of these data will present as a table and figure in the next blog. 

Friday 14 February 2014

Third tutorial

14th Feb 2014

This week, our group was stuck on the process of virtual machine. Kegong and rest three of our group member has a small tutorial on this Wednesday, but some misunderstanding on the setting and missing core vdi file give us very big trouble.

Finally, today we solve these problem, and with the unzip of target file, we could run the movsim on our own computer.

In other aspect, last week, Gengguo, Wenlong and I compare java code with routing mode and ramp mode. We try to figure out and understanding the main function and connected with traffic light and speed limited system. Tomorrow, Gengguo and I will going to brown hill(target street). And obtain the relevant information of traffic light position, time gap, cars flow and speed limited as parameter.

Friday 7 February 2014

Second week tutorial

7th Feb, 2014

This is the second week for our project. In this week, according to the plan, We have basic awareness on the function of scoot system. Besides, we choice the cross street of Brown Hill and lime street to be the traffic simulation target.

However, we met several challenges when we try to edit and run the Movsim for traffic simulation. To be more specific,in this week, our project team has a considerable progress on the understanding of Movsim. We view all the current Movsim examples, such as ringing road, cloverleaf, speed limit, traffic light and etc. We also download the corresponding java code file. It is supposed to refer the real road condition to achieve the simulation in Movsim software. Meanwhile, we have trouble on achieving the code editing. And today, in tutorial, we discuss these problem to our supervisor prof Maskell whom provide us a significant help on software support. The functional software as virtual-box and java-Development Kit  were mentioned. In addition to this, he also gave us a brief guide on java coding.

After the tutorial, we have discuss the next week plan of group project. Kegong will download and give all the software support, which include the build up Movsim in virtual-box. Wenlong, Yiwei and Gengguo will focus on the coding, which covered road simulate, cars flows and traffic light parameters.

Friday 31 January 2014

First week tutorial

31th Jan 2014 Friday

This is first Friday of new semester.It is the second time we meet our supervisor professor Simon Maskell.

During the meeting we discussed the understanding of Scoot system, which is known as the most advanced traffic control system. Yiwei and Gengguo will focus on this system in next few weeks. By referring the current Scoot system, these two group members will design their own control system, with varying the time parameter and change the traffic light signal to achieve the target.

The other two members Kegong and Wenlong are responsed to the traffic condition simulation. Movsim is decided to be the major software, which is used for real traffic simulation and could also achieve the specific condition designed by Scoot system. However, we have never learn the relevant code rules for this software. Therefore we mad an appointment with prof Maskell on next Wednesday for Movsim tutorial.

The short-term plan for this week is to have the basic understanding of these two system or software. Trying to design the simplest traffic control system and learn the current Movsim example.